At LiveScore Bet, we understand that your privacy is important. We respect and value the privacy of everyone who visits (the "Site") or uses any of our application on their devices ("Apps"). We only collect and use your Data as described in this Privacy Policy (the "Policy") and as permitted by Data Protection Legislation.

Please read this Policy carefully and ensure that you understand it. To navigate through our Privacy Notice just click on the links below. Capitalised terms used in this Policy are defined in the Glossary below.

Please note that our Site and Apps are not intended for use by individuals under 18 years old.

1. Who are we?

Our Site and Apps are owned and operated by Visatech Limited, a company registered in Nigeria. We are a member of the LiveScore Group of companies. For the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation, we are the data controller which means that we are responsible for determining the purposes for which and means of how your Data is Processed.

If you have any concerns about how we Process or protect your Data or would like to contact us about any aspect of this Policy, please get in touch with our Group Data Protection Officer, who oversees our handling of Data, and who can be contacted at

This Policy should be read together with our Cookies Policy, and our Site and Apps terms of use. You can find most information in our FAQs.

2. What Data do we collect about you?

We will collect Data about you from the following sources:

We will collect the following types of information:

Type of Data Description
Your personal and contact details Information including as your name, home address, email address, telephone number, username and password.
Account information Information about your account with us, including your login details for our Site and Apps, date of birth, unique account number, unique customer identification, payment method information, marketing preferences, complaints details and any notes added to your account.
Visual images Such as videos and photographs of you provided in your interactions with us in social events we host and your profile image on social media if you choose to enable this through your social media account.
Financial information Such as information that allows us to understand your creditworthiness or your payment method, including bank account or payment card details.
Transactions, bets and account history Such as which bets you have placed, what games you have participated in, and which transactions you have made. We will review this information to understand your gambling behaviors to ensure you gamble responsibly.
Lifestyle and demographic Such as information available publicly on your social media profile where you connect with or contact us through your social media account.
Your communications via our Site and Apps Such as chat conversations via the Site and Apps, your recorded telephone conversations with our customer support staff and emails.
How you use the Site and Apps Such as which pages you visit, which content you view and what links and buttons you click. This information may be collected through cookies or similar technologies. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.
General Location information The device or computer you use to access the Site or the Apps will provide us with your IP address. The IP address tells us which city, state or country you are accessing the Site or Apps from, but does not give us detailed information about your location.
Device and other technical information Such as the unique device identifier and logs of installation and deletion of the Apps, and other information about the device’s hardware and software.
Advertising and direct marketing preferences and responses Such as your interaction with offers and competitions, including any requests to stop receiving marketing communications. This information may be collected through cookies or similar technologies. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.
Sensitive Information We may also Process Data about you that is sensitive in order to meet our legal and regulatory obligations and to protect our business. This includes Data as required by the License Conditions and Codes of Practice, the Nigerian gambling license conditions, the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, Anti-Fraud and Anti-terrorism the Financial Intelligence Legislation and otherwise to fulfil our legal and regulatory obligations as a gambling operator (including allowing you to self-exclude from our Site and Apps and otherwise in accordance with responsible gambling policies). This also includes biometric data (such as through photograph and CCTV) and information about suspected fraud, theft or offences. If you come to an event that we host, this also includes information you provide (such as dietary preferences or disability information).

3. How we use your Data?

We use your Data in the following ways, and for the following reasons:

What we use your Data for The basis on which we can use your Data
To register you as a new user on the Site or Apps. We need to Process this information to meet our contractual obligations.
To allow you to use our services (including managing your payments). We need to Process this information to meet our contractual obligations and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
To communicate with you about updates to the Site or Apps, our services, and any changes to our terms and conditions or Privacy Policy. We need to Process this Data to meet our contractual obligations; to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations; and it is in our legitimate business interests to keep accurate records. 
To receive feedback from you on our products and services. We need to Process this Data to meet our contractual obligations and it is in our legitimate business interests to understand how we can improve our products and services. You do not have to provide us with this information.
To run our loyalty and VIP schemes, and other promotional events such as competitions and offers which may be of interest to you. We may send you marketing material about our offers and events via email or text. You may opt out of direct marketing at any time (see below). We need to Process this Data as it is in our legitimate business interests to provide you with a personalised experience when you use our services. Where necessary, we Process this Data based on your consent.
To provide customer support services. It is in our legitimate business interests to respond to any communications we receive from you. If you do not wish to provide us with this information, we may not be able to respond fully to your queries. 
To train our staff (for example our call staff). It is in our legitimate business interests to provide you with a helpful service. 
To maintain and administer our Site and Apps. It is in our legitimate business interests to maintain our IT services, network security, to maintain our system; and we need to Process this information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
To improve our Site and Apps, products and services, and experiences, such as by understanding analytics. It is in our legitimate business interests to better understand your preferences, update our Site and Apps, and develop our business strategy.
To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations as a gambling operator. This may involve verifying your identity and age. We need to Process this information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and it is in our legitimate business interests to prevent fraud and illegal activities on our Site and Apps.
To protect our business from money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities. We may identify you electronically using technology such as cookies. We need to Process this information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations under gambling, anti-money laundering, anti-fraud and anti-terrorism laws. We also Process this information in the public interest and it is in our legitimate business interests to protect our business from any illegal or abusive use of our Site or Apps. 
To provide you with advertising which is relevant to you, and to understand your advertising preferences. It is in our legitimate business interests to understand how you use our Site or Apps and how we should develop our marketing strategy.
To comply with our responsible gaming policies and to protect you from any irresponsible gambling, including administering self-exclusion. We may identify you electronically using technology such as cookies to identify self-excluders and any customers who we believe may have a gambling problem. We need to Process this information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and it is in our legitimate business interests to protect you from irresponsible gambling. 
In relation with a legal action, or when acquiring or selling a business. It is in our legitimate business interest to be able to protect ourselves through legal action and to develop the business through acquiring or selling parts of our business.

We will not share any of your Data with any other organisation or third parties for any purposes other than storage on an email and / or web hosting server without your consent.

4. Who do we share your Data with?

In some cases, we may share your Data with third parties in order to support your needs, to provide you with services, or to comply with our legal obligations. We may also share Data with third parties if it is in the public interest or the sharing is in our legitimate interest or the legitimate interest of another organisation.

The other organisations we may share your Data with are typically:

We may also share your Data to third parties:

5. How long do we retain your Data?

We will not keep your Data for longer than is required for the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal requirements. The length of time for which we retain your Data will depend on what we are using it for as set out in this Policy, the nature of the Data and how sensitive it is. For example, we will keep you email address while dealing with your enquiries but, even when you unsubscribe, we are required to continue to retain your email address to ensure that we do not send you any email communications in the future and for our know-your-customer (“KYC”) purposes.

Please note, however, that we may be subject to legal and regulatory requirements to keep your Data for a longer period. We may also extend the retention times where the Data is needed to investigate a crime, handle a claim or resolve a complaint. As a general rule, we keep your Data based on the criteria below:

Type of Data Typical Retention Time Information
Marketing consents Until you no longer consent If you withdraw consent, we will keep this information on a ‘suppression list’ so we don’t contact you
Customer call recordings Seven years from the date your account is closed An extended retention may be applied on a case by case basis
Customer Data Seven years from the date your account is closed We will only continue to retain this Data where this is:
  • Legally required under gambling or tax legislation or regulations;
  • Required to exercise or defend our legal rights

Where it is no longer necessary to Process your Data, we will delete it or anonymise or aggregate it by removing all details that identify you in accordance with Data Protection Legislation.

6. Where do we transfer your Data?

We primarily store and Process our Account data within the European Economic Area (“EEA”). However, if we transfer your Data outside of the EEA, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it to safeguard your Data in accordance with Data Protection Legislation, which can include by: (i) ensuring that your Data is only processed in countries which provide adequate data protection laws (in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation); (ii) requiring recipients to sign up to strong contractual commitments that ensure the protection of your Personal Data (such as the EU Model Clauses); (iii) ensuring that US-based recipients are signed up to the EU-US Privacy Shield (which ensures the protection of personal data originating from the EEA when processed in the United States); or (iv) taking any other measures that comply with Data Protection Legislation.

7. Keeping your Data safe

While the nature of the internet means that the transmission of information may not be totally secure, we have implemented security measures to prevent your Data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. Where you use a password to access certain services or features of our Site or Apps, please keep this confidential and do not share with anyone. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the complete security of the information transmitted via the internet. While we have implemented security measures, any transmission is at your own risk.

8. Cookies

We use Cookies on our Site and Apps for the purposes above. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy.

9. Marketing

You can tell us whether or not you wish to be contacted for marketing purposes and, if so, how we can contact you. We will obtain this information from you when we first collect your Data and we will ask you what kind of communication you would like to receive from us.

You can opt-out from receiving marketing communications from us at any time by following the instructions below:

Please be aware it may take up to 28 days for your request to take effect. Please note you will still receive other important information about our product and services.

10. Your rights

Under Data Protection Legislation, you have a number of rights in relation to your Data. We have listed these below, but please note that some only apply in certain specific circumstances (detailed in the Data Protection Legislation):

Your rights How to exercise your rights
Right to access and receive a copy of the Data we hold about you. It is generally free for you to request access to your Data by completing our Web-form by clicking here: If your request is repetitive or excessive, we may refuse to comply or we may charge you a fee.
Right to correct any inaccurate Data we hold about you. You can amend, correct, delete or edit your Data in the “Account” section of the Website. If you wish to correct other Data, please contact our customer support team. Please see our contact details here.
Right to require us to erase your Data if (for example): (i) we no longer need the Data for the purpose we originally collected it for; (ii) we only collected it with your consent, and you now withdraw your consent; or (iii) you object to how we are Processing your Data. You can request erasure of your Data by contacting our customer support team. Please see our contact details here. This process is not reversible.
Right to request that we restrict the Processing of your Data if (for example): (i) you believe that the Data we hold on you is inaccurate; (ii) you have the right to request that we erase your Data but would prefer us to restrict our Processing instead; or (iii) we no longer need the Data for the purpose we originally collected it for but you require the Data for legal actions. You can request the restriction of Processing of your Data by contacting our customer support team. Please see our contact details here. Once you have requested this you can change your mind at any time by contacting us again. Your account will not be accessible while the restriction is in place.
Right to request a copy of the Data we hold on you in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format. You can also request that we transfer this to a third party on your request. Please note that this right may not apply to all of your Data. In some circumstances, you can request the transfer of your Data to a third party by email to The request must include which Data you would like to be transferred, to whom it should be transferred and by which method.
Right to object to our Processing of your Data, including for marketing purposes. Please note that in some cases, we may demonstrate that we have legitimate grounds to Process your information which overrides this right. You can object to Processing of your Data by contacting our customer support team. Please see our contact details here.

Once you have objected you can change your mind at any time by contacting us again. Your account will not be accessible while the restriction is in place.
Right to not be subject to a decision based solely on an automated process, such as profiling, which results in you being significantly affected or produces legal effects concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting our customer support team. Please see our contact details here.
Right to withdraw your consent where we only Process your Data based on your consent. You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing communications from us at any time and for free. To exercise your right to withdraw your consent to receive marketing communications please see section 10 above.

11. Privacy policies of other websites

Our Site or Apps may contain links to other websites. This Policy only applies to our Site and Apps. If you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy and cookie policies to understand how they Process your information.

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may, from time to time, change or update this Privacy Policy in line with legal requirements or if our business changes. All changes to this Privacy Notice will be published on this page of the Site or in the relevant section of the App. Each change will become effective on publication. We recommend that you revisit and read this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you are up-to-date with the current terms.

This policy was last reviewed and updated on 7 March 2024.

13. Questions?

If you have any questions or comments about this Policy, want to know more about how we use your Data, or want more information on your rights, please contact our Group Data Protection Officer by emailing:


If you have a complaint about how we Process your Data, please contact us at and will try to resolve this. However, if you feel that we haven’t addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you have the right to complain in Nigeria to the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) see:

15. Glossary


Information relating to an identifiable person, who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier, or which is otherwise defined as ‘Personal Data’ under Data Protection Legislation.

Data Protection Legislation:

Nigerian Data Protection Regulation 2019, Nigerian Data Protection Act 2023, Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, Etc.) Act 2015 and any other applicable laws relating to the protection of Data and information privacy.

Process, Processing or Processed:

Accessing, collecting, obtaining, recording, holding, disclosing, using, altering, deleting, erasing or destroying Data, or carrying out any operation(s) on the Data or as otherwise defined under applicable Data Protection Legislation.